Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What's a MOBA?

Excellent Question! A MOBA is a new, exciting genre of video games that has rapidly grown in popularity over the past few years. MOBA is an acronym for "Massive Online Battle Arena" in which players take on the role of a Top down viewed champion and battle against an opposing army as a general of his own army. With up to 5 players on a team, the goal of each teams general is to push the opposing AI "Creeps" (Computer controlled weak soldiers) through their home base and destroy their castle, while fighting against the enemy teams player controlled general. The game plays out like a much more indepth version of chess, and is heavily focused on teamwork and coordination. Games of this genre include DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) and LOL (League of Legends), Both of which are free to play and extremely addicting to anyone from casual to hardcore gamers alike.

1 comment:

DGreh said...

I love Annie, the Dark Child!!!
What a great character.
Post the clip on the Wiki with a new page for Genres.
Good work!