Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Plugs in, safety's on?

Regardless of how strong you are, how rough and tough you make think you can be, paintball safety is a mandatory component to all paintballers. Here are some tips to make sure you and your friends enjoy your paintball day on the field, and not in pain.

Whenever approaching a field, MAKE SURE YOUR MASK IS ON! At most fields, the refs will stress this heavily. The mask is the only thing protecting your face and eyes from bieng injured.
When not on the field, Make sure your marker is off, your safety is on (if you have one) and that your barrel plug or sleeve is properly placed over or in the barrel. This prevents accidental fire off the field, when people may not necessarily have their masks on.
When preparing for a day of paintball, make sure you dress properly. If you do not have previous paintball gear like myself (Jersey and Slider Pants) i suggest wearing a long sleeve shirt and a thicker pair of pants (Jeans). This will make sliding easier on your legs, because scrapes and cuts will be obtained if you do not dress properly. In addition to this, some players wear slip over knee and elbow pads in order to reduce the amount of scrapes even more. Although i suggest this, it is not necessary if you do not have them.
Respect other Players - Respecting all of the players on the field is the best way to make your day much more enjoyable. If all players respect each other, you'll be sure to make new friends, and never have any problems on the field.
Be Honest - If you get hit with a paintball, Call yourself out, its much more respectful to the player who shot you, and prevents the ref from having to come and pull you off the field.

All of these tips are here for your safety, and i hope on your next trip you keep them in mind.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Make-up of the Breakout

Your heart races... you look from side to side to see nothing but your friends and teammates squished in next to you, making sure your barrel is touching the net. Your eyes are dialed down the field, staring at the only thing stopping you from winning the game. The ref starts the countdown... your heart races even more, then before you know it... One of the most important components to a great teams success has just begun... "The Breakout"

The Breakout is the portion of the game in which the game just starts and players are scrambling to get set up into their positions. This opening 10 seconds can be the most important part of a paintball teams success. During this time, there are various different things occuring that make this of the most importance. To start, a large majority of teams use their backmen off the break in order to stop the other teams frontmen from getting to their set up areas on the field. This is done effectively by having the backmen shoot in the direction in which they predict the opponents will run, so that they are not able to reach their set up positions. Also at this time, your teams frontmen are trying to get into set up position, while dodging the fire of the opponents backmen. This can cause for a very hectic situation, which is why the team that can keep their cool, and effectively do their job, is the team that will 9 times out of 10 come out on top.

As you can see, this is why the "Breakout" is one part of your teams game that should not be broken!

Pre Game Check In!

The Sport of Paintball:
For some people, Paintball is only known to them as the game where friends run around in the woods in camouflage shooting each other with paintball guns. This in paintball terminology is referred to as "woodsball". This is not the Sport of Paintball. The Sport of paintball is played on a clearcut area, that which is very similiar to a football field. The size of field varies to the amount of players, but generally a field is around 50 yards. The "Bunkers" or areas for cover on the field are made of inflatable yet durable plastic. These are used to protect you from the fire of the opposing team.

The Gear
- THE MASK - The absolute most important piece of gear in the sport of paintball is your mask. without a mask you will not be allowed even near a paintball field. The mask protects your entire frontal face, (most importantly your eyes)
- THE MARKER - In the sport of paintball, a major factor is your marker. Marker is just another way of saying paintball gun. For most speedball games, a marker with a fast rate of fire is a plus.
- THE JERSEY - Like any other sports team, paintball players wear jerseys to let you know what team they play for. Many Professional teams put their logos and sponsors names on their jersey.
- THE POD PACK - A Pod pack is a harness worn around the waste, in which holds tubes filled with extra paintballs.

The Rules and Objective:
-The Objective of the game is simple. Shoot out the opposing team. The team with players left on the field after the game, wins the round. Points are accessed this way.
-There are different game variants depending on the tournament and area. In certain games it will be strictly elimination, like stated above. Other times it will be capture the flag, in which points are accessed based on which team hangs the flag on the opposing teams net.

1. At the beginning of the game, before the countdown, all players much have the barrel of their marker touching the net.
2. Once Hit, you must check to see if the paintball has broken. If broken, you must walk off the field immediately. If not, you are allowed to play on. If you do not eliminate yourself from the game when hit (and broken) a referee will access a one for one penalty. This means that a you, and another player on the team will be eliminated as well.

In the world of paintball, their are 3 positions.
"FRONTMAN" - A Frontman is the player who makes his way as forward up the field as he can. This is a player who gets the majority of the team eliminations.
"MIDMAN" - A Midman is a player who requires a diverse amount of skills. As a midman, you can either be called to double as a frontman, or as a backman.
"BACKMAN" - A Backman has the job of putting down a large amount of fire, in order to allow the teams frontman to move safely up the field.

If you have any questions about something you've heard about paintball, or something you would like to know. Please send me an email.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Off the Break

10 Seconds! 3... 2... 1... GO GO GO!
For those of you out there who are unfamiliar with the sport of paintball, by the end of my blogs i hope to "bunker" your mind and "burn" it full of information about the sport i call my passion.